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Single female , 42 y/o, from Kharkov, looking for male, girls for . Women from Ukraine. as every woman I understand that it is high time to start own family, that is why I am here on this dating website Atlantida. My friend found here her husband and I want to follow her advice and to meet my soul-mate...
Your nickname: Irina_grande
Register date: 27-03-12 17:26
Last visit time: 17-02-25 05:09
42  y.o., female  from Kharkov,  Ukraine  
Anketa number: 3532
Personal data   
Your nicknameIrina_grande
Your first nameIrina
Your real name
Childrenwithout children
Want_childrenI will tell you later
Date of birth1 December 1982
Height5'6' - 5'7' (166-170cm)
Body typeSlim
Marital statusSingle
Occupation Zoo-shop assistant
LanguageRussian Fluent
EducationSome college
IncomeI prefer inputt to say
HeadlineTime for happiness and love!
Self description
Relate yourselfTime for happiness and love!
Descriptionas every woman I understand that it is high time to start own family, that is why I am here on this dating website Atlantida. My friend found here her husband and I want to follow her advice and to meet my soul-mate...
Information about person You are looking for
I am looking formale
From - To30-47
DescriptionI am looking for nice, serious, outgoing and open-minded man who has human and vital principles who will not lie and who will not cheat me. I am looking for soul-mate, friend and beloved husband!