Now is a very nice period of a year because all people make preparations to celebration of Christmas and New Year. It is always very pleasant to buy gifts to each other and to greet each other. Staff of our International marriage agency Atlantida wants to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We sincerely hope that this year will bring you a lot of positive feelings, sweet emotions and realization of all your dreams and plans. For lonely hearts to meet second half and fell in love, for ones who are married to feel harmony and shared love. Also our agency suggests discounts for correspondence to have possibility to greet each other! Every woman will be happy to get sign of attention and also to get small gift from you.
Dear men if you add funds to your balance in a period since 25d till 30th of December on website on any amount your bonus balance will be added on same amount.

Sincerely, staff of International Marriage agency Atlantida