The 19th of January is holiday of Epiphany which is celebrated by all
Orthodox Christians.
By holiday of Epiphany ends Christmas eve which continues since the 7th of January till the 19th of
January.In accordance of Bible story, Jesus Christ was baptised in river Jordan and it gave new folk
name of this holiday.
In the eve of 18th of January all family, same like in the Christmas eve gather at the table. Only fast
food(dishes which does not contain fats) must be on the table. Before holiday of Epiphany people
do not eat at all. The sense of this holiday is further. We need to take a pot where was cooked
"Fast boozing" and to break it against the gate. In the Ukraine, especially in Western parts of it
people go around village with singing special songs (shedrivki). Water was baptised in churches and
this ceremony brought power and health giving quality to water. Epiphany water can cure wounds
and it helps to turn off any disaster. Having come home in the morning after night church service
it is necessary to sprinkle each corner of your house with this blessed water, then your house will
have order and rest. In the Epiphany eve even animals can talk by human language but people
must not listen to their talks because it brings nothing good. In a day of Epiphany people gathered
near lakes or rivers where church services were conducted.
Church services occur, of course, and now, but that special colour and spirit, brilliance and mystical
mysteriousness, unfortunately are lost. May be it happens because of climate changes on our
mother-planet and getting warmer and warmer and we have no such winters which we had in
ancient times. It is difficult to imagine that many church attributes and church gates were made of
ice. Especially children like this day because there are a lot fun and entertainments were waiting for
them. One of them was let out pigeons.
These birds symbolize holidays and that holidays come to an end and people had to give them
Traditions of the Epiphany swimming take their beginning since ancient times. Of course if in the
Epiphany eve you have possibility to enter in a water of saint river Jordan do not miss this chance.
Jordan is located in eastern part of Israel between lake Kirinet and Dead sea which are well-know
by its mysterious qualities of healing and and many other things. Every year many sounds of
pilgrims come on Jordan to accept baptising and clarification in it water. In any case, you can enter
any lake or pond. There are no strict rules how to enter water. It is preferable to create shape of
cross for ice-hole. Also it is important not look back to the west entering water. Western side by
legends is place of Satan. In the Epiphany eve water posses curative properties only 2 days (the
18 and 19th of January). We can enter water within these 2 days. The best time for entering water
is Epiphany night. Namely in the first hours after Jesus Christ baptising water has powerful health
giving qualities. You need to fall under water with the head 3 times, dawning cross on yourself and
making a prayer.
May be it sounds sad, but the Epiphany finishes a number of Christmas and New Year's holidays,
after which comes time to work.