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2019-01-07  The 7th of January is Orthodox Christmas which is celebrated in Ukraine.


Dear Gentlemen, greet your beautiful ladies with this bright holiday,
write them greeting letter or order them present. Nothing can be better
than gift from all your heart. The best present is basket with food for
holiday table, also good cake and sparkling wine. You can enter on page
with gifts and to choose nice present for your lady. Also good variant is
to come personally and to greet your beloved woman face to face. Our international 
marriage agency "Atlantida" will help you to arrange you romantic tour and romantic 
meeting with your lady. Contact manager of Atlantida agency by
 email info@atlantidaagency.com or by phone +380509989187 and order calculation
 of romantic tour.
The 7th of January is Orthodox Christmas which is celebrated in Ukraine. Holiday of Christmas
 cycle starts since the 2nd of January in a day of Ihnat -It is Orthodox holiday). Young women
 clean accommodation and put everything in order.
 By the the 4th of January(Anastasia Day- also Orthodox holiday) everything must be 
prepared to holiday. Namely at this day people storage food for cooking holiday dinner.
 Finally, culmination of holiday is Christmas eve by itself, other words Rich Boozing. 
In accordance of tradition every member of family must be at home at that time and
 it is prohibited to be late to holiday table other wise person will be wandering around 
all the year. Also it is prohibited to came out of the table during holiday dinner and to
talk loudly. Holiday table must impress with variety of different dishes, but also 
we should not forget about continuation of Christian post consequently all people who 
likes "hot drinks" should postpone it. 
                    The main dish on the table is Rich boozing without any doubts.
 During all holidays till the holiday of Epiphany, Rich Boozing must take the main 
place on the table. After ending of dinner kids go to their God's Parents with gifts
 and food. Adult people prepare themselves to evening church service. Only young
 girls who are eager to know about their future destiny can not be patient. Gradually
 evening comes to an end and comes magic Christmas
night during of which it is impossible to sleep as it is possible "to
oversleep" all happiness. Nevertheless, even with great desire to fell
asleep it is impossible because church bells, bands of carollers
create solemn and festive scale of sounds. The ceremony of carol-singing
is old enough— it came from pre-Christian times when our ancestors read
the Sun the Christmas carol holiday. Most of all among carollers we are
able to meet children, and it is understandable. Only men could go round
carol-singing and to enter houses first because in accordance of ancient
tradition it could bring peace and calm to owner of house. After ending of
church service family gathers around the the table again and dishes are
not fast any more. After dinner time of rest comes. People can go to guest
after holiday dinner. Married children go to see their parents. At night
celebration increases with new power. Children suit a den — peculiar
performance the main characters in which are "Goat",
"Shepherd" and other.