Welcome to marriage agency ATLANTIDA

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Search of other Users

1. Question: What is "Quick Search"?

1.1. Answer: If you have not much time you can use our Quick Search. (search by criteria: sex, location, type of relations, age).

2. Question: What is "Advanced search"?

2.1. Answer: Advanced Search is the ideal way to search for the other half. You can search by all criteria, specified by a user at registration.

3. Question: Why is it impossible for me to use "Advanced Search"?

3.1. Answer: Advanced Search is available only for VIP users.

4. Question: How to use "Advanced Search"?

4.1. Answer: Fill in the fields by which you want to make search. Sex, country, region, city, nationality, language, body type, hair color, hair length, eye color, ethnicity, religion, graduate degree, marital status, children, attitude to smoking, drinking and star sign. You may also specify: with photo, with audio, with video, Online now.

5. Question: What does it mean "Save your hot search" and "Use your hot search?

5.1. Answer: Using this service you can save your search criteria and use your search criteria saved before to search by the specified criteria.

6. Question: What is "search by horoscope"?

6.1. Answer: At registration you filled your date of birth, using it our system computes your star sign. At start of new relations, we often do not know their further destiny, problems which will arrive and if they will be serious and on the contrary what factors and features of the union will strengthen pair. Often we find the answers to many questions too late, that is why we have created the search by "Suitable zodiac sign", "Identical zodiac sign" and "Incompatible zodiac sign".

7. Question: What is "Search by VIP"?

7.1.Answer: If you want to find someone among the VIP-users of our site, welcome here. Choose your search criteria and start your search.

8. Question: What will be search result if I shall specify not all search criteria?

8.1. Answer: The search result will be according to criteria which you have specified.

9. Question: I cannot find necessary city. What should I do?

9.1. Answer: If it is most important for you to find people from a city and this city is not in our list of cities, you can write to our Support service and offer add this city to your search criteria.

10. Question: How to browse personal information, photos and blogs?

10.1. Answer: To open user profile, you need click to user photo or name. To view user big photo you need click to photo, to view audio/video album, blog or other informations you need click to necessary sections of profile.


If you have problems that you can not solve yourself, if you have questions that you can not answer, read our Help section. If you found any errors in the functioning of our site address our Support service