Welcome to marriage agency ATLANTIDA

Here you can find answers on all questions which you are interested in.

  My account? - (Мой счет? )                                   My interview? -    (Мое интервью? )                    

 My massages? - (Мои сообщения?)                     My settings ? - ( Мои настройки  ? )  

 Registration? -   (Регистрация?)                          Search of other Users ? - (Поиск по базе анкет?)

 Directions for use ? - (Правила и ограничения?)


My settings

Question: How to change my E-mail or password?

Answer: To change your E-mail or password you need click to "My Settings", then "Change e-mail/password", fill your new E-mail or password . Press th button “Save”


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