My name is Natalia Vinogradova, I lived in Kharkov, Ukraine. In November 2013
I acquinted with Robert David Wooden in International marriage agency Atlantida.
Robert is from city Tampa, Florida, USA. We started active correspondence with him
with via agency and interpreter Tatiana assited us professionally. First time Robert
visited Kharkov in February 2014/ He created very positive impression upon me, he treated
me very good, made gifts for me, donated flowers. It was very pleasant to feel care from man.
Second time Robert visited me in August 2014. We took a decision to marry, official ceremony
was in America. After gathering documents for fiancee visa K-1 I wwnt to my bridegroom in April
2016. In July 2016 we got married with Robert. We are happy and love each other and we want to
show our deep gratitude to Internatioanal Marriage agency "Atlantida" for help and assitance,
for translation of letter and separate thank you for director of marriage agency Atlantida
Viktoria who did everything in our joining with Robert. Robert and I wish to everyone to find
his/her second half and family happiness!
With love Natlia and Robert, Florida, USA

Our agency Atlantida wishes them long and happy years together, we wish them to be healthy, wealthy, to support each other and just get pleasure of life together! Marriage agency Atlantida (Viktoria and Alexander)