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Single female Marianna, 35 y/o, from Kharkov, looking for male, girls for . Women from Ukraine. I believe that every human looks for true love and happiness. for me is very important an emotional impact in relations and mutual understanding between partners. I am active, open-minded optimistic and extrovert and can easy find common language with any person no matter what is his nationality or religious views. I am kind, sincere woman who seeks for serious and real relations. .  
Your nickname: MARYANN
Register date: 09-09-21 21:45
Last visit time: 09-12-24 20:20
35  y.o., female  from Kharkov,  Ukraine  
Anketa number: 8716
Personal data   
Your nicknameMARYANN
Your first nameMarianna
Your real nameMarianna
Childrenwithout children
Want_childrenNo matters
Date of birth1 September 1989
HeightI prefer not to say
Body typeAverage
ReligionI prefer inputt to say
Marital statusDivorced
Occupationreal estate agent
LanguageRussian Fluent
LanguageUkrainian Fluent
LanguageEnglish Fluent
EducationI prefer inputt to say
IncomeI prefer inputt to say
SmokerI prefer inputt to say
HeadlineLook for reliable man!
Self description
Relate yourselfOur happiness is in our hands!
DescriptionI believe that every human looks for true love and happiness. for me is very important an emotional impact in relations and mutual understanding between partners. I am active, open-minded optimistic and extrovert and can easy find common language with any person no matter what is his nationality or religious views. I am kind, sincere woman who seeks for serious and real relations.
Information about person You are looking for
I am looking formale
From - To30-65
DescriptionIf you really seek for life partner and if you are honest and reliable man and want to meet tender, cute and caring woman you are welcome!